With more people looking to change their career mid-way through life, they want to know how to write their CV in 2023.
Why do I need a personal statement?
The personal statement on your CV is your introduction to a potential employer. It’s the first thing they’re going to read about you, so you want it to be good. Yes, I know what you’re thinking – it’s very hard to sell yourself and what you’re good at, but that’s what your personal statement needs to do.
This post has been written to give you a few pointers.
The personal statement is a summary of you, your experience and skillset, convincing an employer to read on. That you’re the right person for their job vacancy.
Related posts: How to write a CV to change career
How to write about work experience in a CV
What should be in my personal statement?
Your personal statement is the first introduction to you, your skills and experience. It should be a summary of your experience and a few of your key skills.
Your personal statement, like all part of your CV, should be changed according to the job you’re applying for.
What should I write if I want to change industry, but don't have experience of it?
If you plan to work in a new industry, you can write your personal statement with:
A few transferrable skills that you have and can use in the industry you’d like to work in
A summary of your experience
What you plan
Example of a personal statement
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Example of a personal statement for a career change
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
And when you've finished....
Think of someone you know to read it over for you
Check words are spelt correctly and it makes sense
Check your personal statement includes some skills included from the job spec